Saturday, November 23, 2013


This great guy named C.S. Lewis said, "If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity." I'd like to warn you that I couldn't agree more.  I find it funny whenever someone comments on how the faithful people they've met seem to "have it all figured out." I've seen many of my friends struggle in their faith, and personally the last time I felt like I had it all figured out was as an immature 15 year old.  The faith is full of questions and mysteries that I can't understand.  Trusting God's will for me leaves me feeling I have very little control over my own life.  I have to put all my talent and effort into a mission that gives me no instant gratification.  I believe in a God who allows me to suffer, who doesn't even give me the security of seeing Him.  It's painfully uncomfortable.  Yet something keeps me from running back to my comfort zone.
I don't exactly want to be comfortable- I'd rather see how truly terrifying, difficult, and important my life is.  I want to be able to look the truth in the face without excuses.  And the truth is I want more than comfort.  I think being comfortable is overrated.  Even my best days in life leave me longing for more.  I want a happiness so beautiful and immense that I can't even imagine it.  I can't get rid of this feeling that I'm incomplete, that I need to know more, and give more of myself.  I want a deep purpose for my life.  I want to ask questions and get answers that are true.  I've given up on being comfortable. I'm Restless, and I think I will be for the rest of my life. 
This other great guy Saint Augustine said "You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
God made my heart for the deepest beauty and the fullest truth of all...he made me for Himself.  If I listen to my human reason it seems sort of unfair. I'm longing for something that I can't grasp on my own- I can't know God completely, and my attempts to love Him always fall short of what they should be.  It's frustrating to think that I can only be satisfied in Heaven, that all my time on earth will be spent struggling.  Sometimes getting close to God and staying there seems nearly impossible.
But my restless heart asks me to look beyond that.  If God has created me for Himself, why would he ever refuse to satisfy my longing for Him? He won't.  I will be with Him one day.  I will be able to rest.  And by putting me through the pain of always seeking Him, He has saved me from the greater pain of living without a purpose. I find it amazing that I will never learn everything there is to know about God.  Where is the glory in a God I can fully understand? I will always be able to discover something new.  I will never get tired of searching for the truth about Him and who He really is. 
And I'm not going to settle for a miserable or desperate life just because perfect happiness is beyond me right now.  I'm going to spend everything I have trying to get closer and go deeper, so I'll be ready when my opportunity for Heaven comes.  God is destroying my fear of being incomplete.  He has the power to draw beauty and goodness from the imperfect- He is a Redeemer.  Augustine says that "God judged it better to bring good out of evil than not to permit any evil to exist." I really think that's the most beautiful thing I've ever known.  God has the strength to turn suffering into victory, guilt into innocence, evil into goodness.  He chose to let us hurt Him and to turn our backs on the good he made- to show us that His love will still overcome all things. He loves us enough to let us run away from Him and break our hearts, so that we'll know He will come after us and heal us.  In my life he turns my pain into blessings and my heartbreak into growth, and I love Him more than I ever could have if He had made me content and my life easy. He shows me glimpses of Himself in the unfinished people around me and it's awe-inspiring.  He even uses me in the midst of my struggle to show Himself to those around me.   I love my life in spite of its difficulty, I find joy in every small step towards Heaven.  And I'm ready to suffer for Him because the distance and the longing is temporary but His love is eternal.  It's the only thing that's worth my whole life.
I look for Him all the time.  I rejoice in every little thing on earth that is good, beautiful,  and true because it reflects Him.  I try to share what I find with others, because I know that we are all restless.  I'm not afraid to wait for the day when I'll see Him and be united to Him forever.  I'm supposed to be unsatisfied.  I'm supposed to have questions.  I'm supposed to be uncomfortable.  But I'm supposed to trust God to help me through my struggle and to satisfy my restless heart.

~ Sarah


Maya said...

Thank you, Sarah!!!! I've been wanting to re-read this again :) so are talented, my girl :)

sarah said...

Thanks Maya (:


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